The Ultimate Revival #6Studies in Isaiah 51:9-11 · part 6 of 16Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMIsaiah 51:9-11 · Sun Sep 3, 2006
Revival is the need of a people whose sin has caused a withdrawal of God's presence and power from their midst. It must be understood that this withdrawal does not mean that the Lord is utterly abandoning His people. There are three degrees of withdrawal. 1. That which is the lot of the lost. Gen 4:14, Jude 11, Pro 1:28. 2. That which is but a test of faithfulness. 2 Chron 32:31. 3. That which is caused by backslding and depature from God. Hos 5:15-6:3. Si it is with Israel today, Jer 50:17-21, 51:5. The withdrawal experienced by Israel of which out text marks the end, was three-fold. That is set forth in our text Isaiah 51:9-11. 1. God's eyes appeared to be shut toward His people. Events experienced by the wayward would give the impression that God was asleep. Job must have felt that! Psalm 80:3. 2. God's His armed seemed to have ceased to act for them. It was as if the arm of God had gone numb or was asleep! They were as a people without a defender. It was worse than that! Isaiah 63:10. His arm was not performing as it did in ancient times. 3. Israel was left with nothing but the memories of God's interventions. We have little more than memories of what God did for us in the past? This is the consequence of our waywardness.
ID: 93061682 · The Ultimate Revival #6