Report of outreach at ploughing matchColin MaxwellSun Sep 27, 2009Sunday Service
This is a brief report given by Mr Colin Maxwell, Free Presbyterian missionary to the Republic of Ireland, at the morning service in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on Lord's Day October 27th. He tells of the recent 3-day visit of ministers and elders to the World Ploughing Championship held in Co Kildare, in the south of Ireland. Bible verse calendars and gospel literature were given out and a marquee is erected where visitors may obtain light refreshments and talk to the men present. Last year everyone was greatly encouraged by the number who came back to the tent having visited the previous year, looking for further copies of the Bible because they had to give away the copy they had received on their last visit to a friend or family member. As you will hear, this year there were young people converted, teenagers old enough to be at the event on their own. Please pray for these converts as they all come from Roman Catholic families and may well run into opposition and will have a difficult time finding a place to worship.
ID: 92809028243 · Report of outreach at ploughing match