Most important word ever spokenCalvary's finished workRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJohn 19:30 · Sun Sep 28, 2008
The utterance of the Saviour on the cross which appears appears in our Bible as a phrase, "It is finished", is actually only one word in the original inspired record. It is the Greek word "teleo". It was a cry of triumph for all the powers of hell, knowing that Christ had come into the world for this hour, had failed to stop Him in His course. Hell had tried to stop him by seeking to slay His progenitors, 2 Kings 11:1-2. Hell had attacked Christ with a view to stopping the fulfillment of God's will at His birth, Matt 2:13-16. The temptation in the wilderness was another attempt to obstruct God's will as were the attempts to slay the Saviour during His ministry, the last of which was in the garden of Gethsemene. All of these attempts failed and the Saviour successfully completed His task. It was a cry of joy for His task was done. Paul used the same word with Joy when he spoke of his impending death. "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course," 2 Timothy 4:7. It was a cry to comfort His disciples. Little did they see of any triumph or cause for joy in the events at Calvary but if they were to heed this word from Christ they would have realised, even as we may afresh tonight, that in the midst of the darkness and agonies of the cross the eternal and loving purpose of God in redemption was successfully wrought out by our glorious Lord and Saviour.
ID: 92808164203 · Most important word ever spoken