Declaring the Testimony of GodWhat is the gospel?Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun Sep 2, 20071 Corinthians 2:1 · Sunday - PM
The message the minister of the gospel is required to proclaim is set forth in God's Word under a variety of titles. "The Gospel" is perhaps the best known. However, the widespread understanding of the "gospel" is exceedingly limited and thereby, erroneous. The "gospel" refers to more than the doctrines of repentance and faith. The "easy-believeism" of the Billy Grahams of this age have created that notion but it is very wrong. Paul called what he preached by two titles, "the preaching of Jesus Christ . . . the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began," Romans 16:25. Jesus Christ is the WORD of God, God's singular and complete revelation unto men. All that God has to say unto men is THE GOSPEL. There is found "all the counsel of God," Acts 20:27. The message is summurised by Paul in Acts 26:22-23. Those who fault God's servants for not placing the emphasis that they feel should be placed upon certain doctrines in every message they preach are most foolish and show an abominable ignorance of the Bible. Not every utterance by Christ placed the same emphasis upon every doctrine! For instance, His word to the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23 was almost entirely condemnatory. 1 Tim 4:1-6 indicates just what makes a good minister of Jesus Christ and there the necessity of warning believers about apostasy is emphasised.
ID: 92071635260 · Declaring the Testimony of God