Ignorance of a central gospel truthHow can we know the way?Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJohn 14:4-6 · Sun Sep 14, 2008
When the Saviour said in verse 4: "And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know," He was stating that which ought to have been the case. They should have known where He was going and the way to that place for He had told them many times. Indeed, He had just stated where He was going in verse 2. It was not so much a matter of the apostles not fully understanding the way to the Father as them once more being occupied with the earthly kingdom of the Messiah being brought about at that time. Why should the Saviour be talking of going away at such a time, and to where could He possibly be going and how then could the way be known by which He was going? Herein is where their ignorance lay. The glory they hoped was coming to them now rather than the glory of heaven was on their mind. The Saviour in responding to this display of folly and ignorance shows the patience that dwells in His loving heart. That which deserves a sharp rebuke is responded to with great gentleness and care. The Saviour explains the way to the Father afresh to His apostles for in that eternal abode lay their hopes of glory and joy. How much we owe to the patient answers given by the Lord to the slow-witted apostles!
ID: 914081641406 · Ignorance of a central gospel truth