Studies in Jonah, No. 22The Reluctant Prophet · part 22 of 29Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMJonah 3:5-10 · Sun Aug 5, 2007
What a wonderful time of soul-winning results from the preaching of Jonah in Nineveh. The people of the city repented and their number must have been in the 100,000s since there were in the city some 120,000 children alone, 4:11. There are few records of a more successful ministry than given us here of Jonah's time of preaching in Nineveh. What made it particularly marvellous was : 1. The wickedness of the people, 1:1, 3:4. 2. The disposition of the prophet, 4:1. 3. The brevity of the time, 3:3-4. 4. The number of converts, 4:11. 5. The depths of grace manifested, 3:7-10.
ID: 8507164414 · Studies in Jonah, No. 22