Warring parties reconciledGospel reconciliationRev. Ivan Foster · Sun Aug 26, 2007Colossians 1:21-22 · Sunday - PM
No word has been more overworked in Northern Ireland than "reconciliation". For years it has been the one word that encapsulates the campaign pursued by ecumenists and their puppets in the political world. It was not so much the use of the word but the meaning that was given to it that vexed true believers. Ecumenism's teaching on reconciliation is not within an Irish mile of what the Bible has to say on this cardinal doctrine. For the ecumenist, reconciliation was all about a forgetting of the doctrinal differences that exist between Romanism and Biblical Protestantism and an acceptance by both parties of each other as truly God's people. This acceptance would of course, lead on, they thought, to oganic union between Romanism and Protestantism. Such a view of reconciliation is a lie. Tonight we wish to look at God's Word on the matter.
ID: 826071764410 · Warring parties reconciled