Paul calls the Corinthians from their consideration of the various difficulties that face them in their domestic affairs to the consideration of eternal matters. They were in danger of getting their priorities wrong, 29-34.
1. All matters must be subordinate to God's will for our lives. Verses 29-32a. The claims of religion must come first, Matt 6:33. The religion of the world keeps its gods inside a building and only visit them occasionally and take them out for an airing. Our God is with us in all our affairs, 10:31.
2. Where this rule is observed, life is the better for it. Wedding of Cana, John 2. I Kings 17:13, I Sam 2:30.
3. The will of God demands all of our time. To accomplish in our lives what is God's will for us requires all of our life. David ran out of time before he accomplished all, II Sam 23:5. Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer, I Chron 29:29. There was a wasted portion in between. We must not allow any of earth's temporary relationships interfere with God's purpose in us. Let every husband, wife, child and businessman serve God first. And they that use this world, as not abusing it, 7:31.
4. Remember, while earth and its fashions is passing away, our souls are eternal. The phrase, the fashion of this world passeth away, 7:31, refers to the changing of a backcloth in a theatre. Our souls will remain when all else, marriages, businesses pleasures, have gone. Therefore the matters of the soul are the most important.