The Ultimate Revival #1Studies in Isaiah 51:9-11 · part 1 of 16Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMIsaiah 51:9-11 · Sun Jul 30, 2006
No verse gives us a clearer definition of the minister of the gospel, than Isaiah 21:11-12. "Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night . . " We are in a world of night but an even darker time is coming. It is for that we must watch and inform the people of its approach. But note the watchman's answer. "The morning cometh, and also the night." He speaks of the morning before he speaks of the night even though the events will happen in the opposite order. A divine principle is here at work. The Lord always highlights the final glorious outcome of His will and purpose before He refers to the intervening times of darkness and sorrow. I believe it to be more important than ever that the man of God watch and warn of the night's approach but also to give a strong emphasis to the culmination of all things. That is what we intend doing in this series of studies on revival. Our text ultimately refers to Christ's return. Here is record for us the cry of the believing remnant of Jews. But these words, and many like them, have been the substance of the cries of God's people for revival throughout the ages. Christ's return is the ultimate revival.
ID: 7300617030 · The Ultimate Revival #1