Greece in prophecyRev. Ivan FosterDaniel 7,8 · Sunday - PMSun Jul 12, 2015

The Greek crisis in the light of prophecy Daniel 7-8 * The Book of Daniel was, like all Scripture, given for our instruction and edification, Rev 1:3 Rom 15:4. The Author of Daniel chapters 1, 3, 5 & 6 is also the Author of chapters 7-8, 10-12 with its prophecies. They likewise are meant for our 'blessing', 'learning, patience and comfort.' Let us never forget this and ignore prophecy. * A mere glance at recent news reports about matters in Greece can suggest only one word to us - CHAOS! It would appear that to the Greek mind the problems they face is the responsibility of anyone and everyone but themselves! * History teaches us that despots have arisen to prominence and power out of national confusion and chaos. We need think only of Napoleon, Stalin and Hitler as prime examples of this in recent times. * I believe it very likely that just such a situation will take place within the territory of Greece when a leader will arise to whom the people will give support. He will then go on to rise as the Antichrist.

ID: 712152020440 · Greece in prophecy