Calling Good EvilA Most Serious ErrorRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMIsaiah 5:20 · Sun Jun 8, 2008
The recent statement that Sinn Fein's threat to refuse to nominate a Deputy First Minister was an "evil thing" was most unwise and wrong. Such an action by Sinn Fein would have frustrated the appointment of Mr Peter Robinson, the new DUP leader, as First Minister and would also have forced the ending of the present DUP-SF/IRA power-sharing government and required the calling of a new Stormont election by the Northern Ireland Secretary of State. It was this that would have made it an "evil" thing in the view of the DUP leadership! Such a view is perceived by faithful Christians as sad and regrettable. The fall of a government which is composed partly of unrepentant murderers and partly of those who broke their own promises to their electorate never to enter government with unrepentant murderers cannot be deemed an evil thing by any lover of righteousness. We wish to examine the issue to see if the term "evil" is rightly used of the possible demise of such a power-sharing regime and answer the question "What is evil?"
ID: 6808172852 · Calling Good Evil