Good cheer from ChristComfort when under pressureRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJohn 16:33 · Sun Jun 3, 2007
Dark and gloomy as these days are, there is a peace of heart and mind which may be enjoyed by believers. This land of ours is under the the frown of God and His stroke is felt. If God in mercy does not grant repentance and a return to Him, then that darkness can only deepen and the stroke become heavier and more severe. However matters may turn out, the believer may enjoy tranquility. That tranquility is to be experienced through a resting in the Word of God. "Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction," Psalm 119:92. The troubles of the coalition government at Stormont stems from it being based upon a rejection of God's Word. That being so, its troubles can only increase. Though the situation causes much anguish of heart, nevertheless we may enjoy good cheer. So says Christ in our text.
ID: 6307174555 · Good cheer from Christ