Studies in Jonah, No. 18The Reluctant Prophet · part 18 of 29Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMJonah 2:1-10 · Sun Jun 3, 2007
This chapter contains the prayer of Jonah, when in the fish's belly. The changing of his frame of soul and mind is set forth. He was sometimes almost in despair, and ready to faint; and later exercising faith and hope, remembering the goodness of the Lord, and resolving to look again to Him, verses 4, 7. The grace of God toward him, in receiving, hearing, and answering his prayer, and bringing up his life from corruption, is also set forth, verses 6, 7. Jonah's resolution to praise the Lord, and give him the glory of his salvation is also set forth, verses 8, 9. The chapter is concluded with the command for his deliverance, and the manner of it, verse 10. Today we will consider: JONAH'S REFLECTIONS 1. Self-reproach. 2. Determination of true faith. 3. His triumphant shout. "Salvation is of the LORD." Here is what the grace of God can do for a defeated, despondent soul. What a transformation from verse 1 to verse 9! JONAH'S RESTORATION Jonah's preservation in the fish's belly and his being cast forth unto the shore signify the supernatural and miracles nature of this event. The Lord prepared the fish, 1:17 and He told the fish to spew out Jonah unto dry land and it did, 2:10.
ID: 630717343 · Studies in Jonah, No. 18