The Preaching of the BibleThe whole counsel of GodRev. Ivan Foster · Special MeetingActs 20:27 · Fri Jun 24, 2011
The preaching and teaching of the Bible. "For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God," Acts 20:27. (Preached at a Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony meeting in New Life Bible Presbyterian Church, Salusbury Road, London) Paul is here speaking with the elders of the church at Ephesus. He is bidding farewell to them as he journeys to Jerusalem. It is about the year 58 AD. It is not surprising that Paul should seek to vindicate his ministry amongst them, given the occasion and the fact that he was ever under attack by judiasers. From his first words Paul defends his ministry amongst them, 18-19. He goes on in the next verse to say that he had "kept back nothing that was profitable" for their souls. He had not been timid but forthright and had showed them publicly and privately that which was profitable to them. He summarises his preaching in verse 21. Paul has motive for speaking to them plainly and honestly. He felt himself under the constraint of the Holy Ghost to go to Jerusalem and he knew the danger he would face from his enemies there. He knew that those to whom he was speaking would never see him again, verse 25. He has good reason to be frank and open with this people. In this review of his ministry he could boldly say: "Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men," verse 26. He goes on to declares his ministerial integrity in the verse 27. These words form our text.
ID: 62511341551 · The Preaching of the Bible