The Christian on a tightropeChristian acrobaticsRev. Ivan Foster · Prayer MeetingEphesians 5:15 · Tue Jun 21, 2011
The Christian on a tight rope "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise," Ephesians 5:15. (Preached at Wattisham Strict Baptist Chapel prayer meeting, Suffolk), 21st May 2011. First preached in Kilskeery FPC, 28th September 1986.) Paul commences the chapter 5 with a call to follow God. The word "follower" is a translation of a Greek word which means "to imitate". Indeed, it is the word from which we get "mimic". As children imitate their parents even so should we seek to imitate God and walk in His footsteps. In our text, the word "circumspectly" is the Greek word from which we get "acrobat". It is a call for us to exercise all the care, all the diligence and deliberation of an acrobat or tightrope walker. Let us learn from this text.
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