Studies in Haggai, #13Back to work · part 13 of 13Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMHaggai 2:20-23 · Sun Jun 18, 2006
Points made in this final study in Haggai: I. THE PERSON ADDRESSED 1. It was Zerubbabel, the civic leader of the nation. This words are directed then toward national Israel. 2. This earth will see the physical overthrow of nations opposed to Israel. "Overthrow" "destroy" "come down". Isaiah 10:24-11:9. The confederacy against Israel will be broken. This will take place outside Jerusalem. Zech 12:1-8.; 14:1-4; Rev 16:13-16; 17:12-14; 19:15-21. All this is linked with Christ's return, Rev 16:15, Isaiah 63:1-4. 3. In the place of man's rule will come Christ's reign. Rev 11:15; Zech 14:9. II. IN THAT DAY, NATIONAL ISRAEL WILL BE GOD'S SIGNET RING 1. The day of destruction of the anti-Christian nations is the day of Israel's elevation. Joel 3:1-2, 12, 15-16. 2. Israel will be converted. Zech 12:1-4, 9-11. 3. Israel will become the Lord's signet. The signet is the symbol of authority, Isaiah 60. Deut 28:1, 13. 4. Zerubbabel is given a definite and personal promise. He had little standingin his lifetime but a future time rulership would be his. This is for all believers to note and take hope from, 1 Corinthians 6:2. Matthew 19:27-29.
ID: 61806173744 · Studies in Haggai, #13