Struggle for heart of Free PresbyterianismHalting between two opinionsRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PM1 Kings 18:21 · Sun Jun 17, 2007
Life has many crossroads for the child of God as they pilgrimage to heaven. At each crossroads an inevitable dispute arises as to the right way to go. There are those who be guided by their own eyes and understanding. They see a way that seems to pass through most attractive surroundings, surroundings that seem to promise ease of passage and times of prosperity and advancement. Others consult the old map of God's Word and point to a much less attractive path which seems surrounded by reproach, danger and likely hardship. For them it is the right way for it is the way of the Holy Scriptures, the way of the cross, the way of the Saviour and His apostles and prophets. I believe that the FPC is at such a crossroads and that just such a debate is taking place within its ranks. We stand where Israel stood that day on Mt. Carmel.
ID: 61707165151 · Struggle for heart of Free Presbyterianism