Guilt of Faithless Messengers, #2Studies in Malachi · part 14 of 25Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMMalachi 2:1-10 · Sun Jun 15, 2008
God is dealing with the priests and their failings in the day of Malachi. In the chapter 1 he dealt with their failings at the altar of sacrifice. In the verses before us He deals with their failing as teacher of the people. There is a parallel between the priests as a teacher and the New Testament minister. the duty of sacrifice is gone, fulfilled by Christ at the cross, but the duty of teaching remains. "And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ," Acts 5:42. The failings of the priests as teachers need to be considered by ministers today lest they fail in the same manner. Theirs was a calling to revere the name of the Lord. "My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my name," Malachi 2:5. The proof of their holy fear of God was when they went against the worshippers of the golden calf, Exodus 32:26. Phinehas also showed himself zealous in the fear of God and his judgments when, to stay the plague, he stabbed Zimri and Cozbi, Psalm 106:30-31.
ID: 61508162958 · Guilt of Faithless Messengers, #2