Bible pictures of Christ Pt 60Bible pictures of Christ · part 60 of 126Rev. Ivan Foster · ChildrenRomans 6:1-14 · Tue May 31, 2016
Since the beginning of the new school year in September 2015, Rev Foster has been speaking at two morning assembly meetings each week. His theme for 2015-16 is DV, "Pictures of Christ in the Bible." Tenth Picture - Joshua Joshua 3:14-17 Joshua was a warrior and he led Israel into many battles. Such is the life of the believer. (Read Rom 6:6-23.) The crossing of the Jordan is a picture of our crossing of the river of death and entering the heavenly Canaan. But it is also a picture of us passing from death unto life at the new birth and the battles that ensue as we war against sin in this world.
ID: 531166050 · Bible pictures of Christ Pt 60