Life or Damnation - Which? - Part 1Rev. Ivan FosterJohn 5:28-29 · Sunday - AMSun May 26, 2013
Resurrection of life or of damnation - which is your destination?" Part 1 "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation," John 5:28-29. (Preached in Lewes Free Presbyterian Church, Lord's Day morning, May 26th, by Rev Ivan Foster.) There are two resurrections of men out of the graves. The first is of those born again and blessed under the gospel. The other is of those who rejected Christ and died in their sin. These two events are well named by the Saviour in our text: "the resurrection of life; and . . . the resurrection of damnation." When the Saviour died on Calvary, He did so as a substitute for His elect people. He took upon Himself their sins and atoned for all their transgressions by His blood-shedding. Those under His blood rise in the first resurrection (Rev 20:5-6). It is not so with the rejector of Christ. He is raised 1000 years later, (Rev 20:5). His is the resurrection of damnation. We will consider the dreadful truth: I. THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO LIVE AND DIE UNDER THE JUDGEMENT AND CURSE OF GOD WILL COME FORTH FROM THE GRAVE STILL UNDER THAT JUDGMENT
ID: 52713432449 · Life or Damnation - Which? - Part 1