Studies in Haggai #10Back to work · part 10 of 13Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMHaggai 2:6-9 · Sun May 21, 2006
God's people must never gauge their privileges and standing with God by their present surroundings. As often as not, like the Israelites in the days of Haggai, our circumstances can appear depressing. But, as with the Israelites, such circumstances did not truly represent their lot or their favour with God. This is what the Lord was seeking to teach His people. As He had been with them in the past so He was still with them, verses 4-5. Despite their present miserable and depressing circumstances a glorious future awaited them, verses 6-9. There is a cure for despondency both in looking back to past mercies and looking forward to promised mercies. For Israel and the temple there was a glorious future. This something that needs to be emphasised in this day when many false views of the future are entertained by God's people.
ID: 52106164234 · Studies in Haggai #10