Plague of disunityStudies in First Corinthians · part 3 of 51Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun May 28, 19951 Corinthians 1:10-13 · Sunday - AM

Paul launches immediately into the problems of the church at Corinth in these verses. Note some things that we encounter straightaway as we come to the section.

• Paul’s earnestness and love. He is beseeching the believers. The word, par-ak-al-eh-o, carries the meaning of strong longings and desires, Matt 8:5. Paul was not so much commanding as entreating. The use of the word brethren is in the same spirit, (Gen 13:8). 

• Paul’s brings before them the authority of the Saviour’s name. Here is the Christ-exalting humility so needed for the task before him.That Paul should deal with this particular problem first reminds us of . . 


The church had many great and complex difficulties facing it but the Holy Spirit leads Paul to deal with this one first. The unity of the people of God is essential for the well-being and progress of the Kingdom of God. Sheep scattered must first be gathered together. A scattered people denotes sin and defeat, Psalm 44:9-16. When Christ moves in mercy amongst His people the first sign of it is a gathering together of the scattered ones, Eze 34:6, 11-12. The Lord’s heart is grieved when His people are scattered and divided, Matt 9:36.

1. Here is the essential character of unity, 10.

Paul refers to speech, mind and judgment. From the outward he works inward. Let us be the same in doctrine and testimony by being the same in mind and in opinion. If you are moved by different motives from another then there can never be agreement and unity., Rom 15:5, Phil 2:1-5.

2. Here is the origin of disunity, 12.

Notice the repeating of the term ‘I’. Only by pride cometh contention, Proverbs 13:10.

3. Here is what must be done to keep unity, 11.

There were schisms amongst them (divisions). We must seek to be perfectly joined together. That phrase is used very illustratively in a number of places. Matt 4:21—nets; Gal 6:1—restoring a brother, Hebs 11:3—framing the worlds. It was such a desire that made those of the household of Chloe contact Paul.

4. The consequences of disunity, 11-12. 

(a). Contentions, 11. Sign of carnality, (strife) I Cor 3:3, work of the flesh, (variance) Gal 5:20. 

(b). Christ divided etc., 13. Here are the dreadful ramifications of divisions amongst God’s people. It would set the apostles at variance with the Lord Himself. There was a declaring for man rather than Christ, 12. 

(c). A slighting of the cross, 13. The One who died for us is alone worthy of our love and loyalty.

Paul was aghast at his name being used in opposition to Christ’s. Hence the question about crucifixion and baptism, 13. Apollos also was grieved at the use of his name. It was most likely the reason why he would not go to Corinth at that time, I Cor 16:12. How far-reaching are the divisions and hurts that sin cause!

ID: 517111718259 · Plague of disunity