Spiritual weapons/Christian warfare, 2Studies in Second Corinthians · part 56 of 68Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun Feb 22, 19982 Corinthians 10:1-11 · Sunday - AM


The weapons given to the servants of God are not carnal ie. not as this earth’s weapons nor employed as they are, but they are much more mighty.

1. The work of the ministry is a warfare. Verse 3. It is not a warfare fought in the flesh. We walk in the flesh, ie. we live in an earthly body, but we do not conduct our affairs in an earthly frame of mind and heart.

2. The doctrines of the gospel and disciplines of the church are the weapons of this warfare. God’s cause is not advanced not maintained by the sword of the flesh.

3. By these weapons strongholds are pulled down. There is much opposition against the gospel and it resides in man’s heart. His reasoning (imaginations),  his thoughts, are all opposed to God, exalted against the knowledge of God,  and must be conquered. By the power of God accompanying these ordinances, victory is gained.

4. How foolish it is to judge the Kingdom of God and its powers by the outward appearance of its officers. Verses 7, 9-11. While Paul cared little for what men thought of his appearance, he did not want them to be deceived by the false notion they thus formed. How men will readily misinterpret forbearance and longsuffering and patience. His enemies mocked the meekness with which Paul acted in their midst in contrast to the authority with which he wrote.  

The gentle Christ Who willingly submitted Himself to the cruel hands of men, ought not to be thought therefore weak. One day He will be seen as almighty.

ID: 4413644597 · Spiritual weapons/Christian warfare, 2