Four reasons revival tarriesGlorious promise consideredRev. Ivan Foster · Sun Apr 19, 20092 Chronicles 7:14 · Sunday - AM

(Bible Reading, 1 Sam 3:1-18) Preached in Bethany FPC, Portadown.

In the wake of the recent banking crisis, there have been those who now are ready to state that the crisis was clearly seen approaching. How much better it would have been for a host of nations had someone the courage to speak out in time! Within the Church of God, crises do not approach without the King and Head of the Church warning His people. Had His warnings been heeded, the people of God could have been saved from much heartbreak and hardship. I believe the Free Presbyterian Church stands on the edge of just such a situation as that facing Israel in the day of Eli. Samuel spoke the truth boldly though but a lad beginning his service for God. But his message could not save Israel from trouble for the time for such was passed. Had Eli acted faithfully, the nation could have been saved from the defeat, humiliation and years of subjugation that it experienced. Samuel's message was one in which he announced the doom that the unfaithfulness of Eli had brought upon the people of God. I stand before you as one that I am sure many consider a divider of the brethren and a source of dissension. Such is not my desire but irrespective of how I am perceived, I must preach the truth in Christ faithfully and in love as the Lord helps me. Our text makes it clear that God stands ready to revive His people. The absence of a spirit of blessing is not His doing but lies with us the people of God. Nor is it the world or the devil which hinders revival. Our text clearly indicates that the initiative lies with us.

ID: 425091032470 · Four reasons revival tarries