Studies in Haggai #7Back to work · part 7 of 13Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMHaggai 2:1-9 · Sun Apr 23, 2006
This message via Haggai came less than a month after his first, 1:15. The date indicates that the message came on the 7th day of the Feast of the Tabernacles. It was held in our Autumn time and marked, not only the harvest but commemorated God's mercy to Israel during it wilderness wanderings. That would provoke more sadness amongst the people as the recalled the former mercies and glorious bestowed upon the nation and compared those days with their present state of reproach and affliction. It was to counter such depression that the prophet's message was sent from the Lord of Hosts. Spiritual depression amongst believers stems from a loss of the vision that faith provides. When we lose sight of what God has purposed in Christ and the promises He has made regarding the immutability of that purpose -- what He wills shall be done -- then our souls are cast down. God's answer is to refocus His people's hearts and minds upon His promises. That is what happens here. He wants them to look back and also to look forward.
ID: 4230617526 · Studies in Haggai #7