“Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,” Ephesians 6:14.
Paul now brings us to the practical task of dressing ourselves in the individual items of the armour of God. One of the first things a child learns is how to dress itself. It is a mark of childishness to be unable to do such. Christian, it is a mark of maturity, of growth in grace, when we are able to attend to our own applying of the truth of God to our hearts and lives and so put on the armour of God. I want to seek to explain our text by dealing with three words, loins, girt and truth.
Paul is speaking here of spiritual armour and likewise we must seek a spiritual explanation for the meaning of loins. Let the Bible explain itself.
1. The actual location of the loins.
“And the same John had his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey,” Matthew 3:4.
2. What are our ‘spiritual loins’?
As the physical loins are the chief seat of physical strength, (“Bless, LORD, his substance, and accept the work of his hands: smite through the loins of them that rise against him, and of them that hate him, that they rise not again” Deut 33:11), so the spiritual loins are the chief seat of spiritual endeavour. “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ,” 1 Peter 1:13.
1. The meaning of ‘girt about’ is to wear a belt.
Who can deny that this is a very important item of armour. Upon it depend what use is made of the other items. This item tends to hold the soldier at his peak. He is enabled to continue enduring hardship for long periods of time. It is similar to the weightlifter’s broad belt.
2. What is the meaning of the expression ‘loins girt about’?
Exodus 12:11, Luke 12:35. Does this not speak of a readiness, a preparedness. A state of mind and heart. The mind is set and fixed. As a belt binds the muscles and aids them to put forth full strength so the mind that is girt about with truth is enabled to put forth its whole force. Many fail quickly when the enter the battle. Why? Neglect of this item. If you are not fixed in your mind then you will falter and faint, II Tim 4:10. The word forsaken means to abandon, to let go. He released himself from the constraint of discipleship.
The word truth refers not just to doctrinal veracity but to sincerity of heart. We find both these word joined in some exhortations. Josh 24 :14, I Cor 5:8.
1. We must endeavour to bring our minds and wills under the rule of God.
To do this we must seek to know God’s will as it is revealed to us in God’s Word. Many live ‘loose’ lives because they live in ignorance of God’s truth.
2. We must endeavour to make the pleasing of God our sole consideration.
We need a single eye, Matt 6:22. Have no other desire or ambition. Looking only for God’s honour. The whole heart serving God, Psalm 119:2, 10, 34, 58, 69, 145; Jer 3:10. It was in this spirit that Caleb served the Lord, Deut 1:36.
3. We must determine to serve God irrespective of the consequences.
We need Paul’s determination, Acts 21:13, 20:24. When Paul discovered what the will of the Lord was for him, Acts 9:6, then he did not consider men’s opinions, Gal 1:15-16. With truth thus settled in and binding our inwards parts we shall not do as David did and backslide. He afterwards knew where he had gone wrong, Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts, Psalm 51:6.