The pillars pulled downStory of Samson for todayRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJudges 16:30 · Sun Mar 25, 2007
The story of Samson with its highs and lows, is almost as well known outside of the circle of the people of God as it is within. Samson was an enigma in many ways. He was a man whose activities included that which has brought shame upon the cause of God. However, we must never forget that the last word written about him places him amongst those mighty in faith, Hebrews 11:32. Here he is in good company even though, in his lifetime, his company was not always so commendable. I turn to this portion tonight for I believe that there is here a word for us in Ulster on the eve of a day that will most likely bring much shame and confusion to many believers. I speak of the setting up of a coalition executive between the DUP and Sinn Fein/IRA at Stormont. The public representatives of the DUP along with those who supported them in the recent election have adopted a course which is very far removed from that course which they followed for years. Their former policies were formulated on the Biblical principle that it was wrong in God's sight to enter into an alliance with those who are guilty of murder and terror. Sadly, that principle has been repudiated. As Samson's sinful and foolish dalliance with Delilah proved most costly for him, so I believe a dreadful harvest will follow the setting up of an alliance between the DUP and the murderers of Sinn Fein/IRA.
ID: 3250717729 · The pillars pulled down