Resurrection of Christ - Guarantee of Eternal LifeEternal life GuaranteedRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMJohn 14:19 · Sun Mar 23, 2008
Resurrection of Christ - guarantee of eternal life " . . . because I live, ye shall live also," John 14:19. For the disciples, the thought of the Saviour departing from them was a bitter blow. How more devastating would be the thought of His death! Amongst the consolations He prepared for them and set before them was the truth of the Holy Spirit's coming amongst them in power. The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter and rightly so. He would convey the grace of comfort and cheer to the hearts of God people. He would dwell with them and within them conveying to them the very life and power of Christ Himself. The Living Christ is a source of life indeed for the people of God. THE FACT THAT CHRIST IS ALIVE IS THE VERY BASIS OF HOPE AND COMFORT FOR THE BELIEVER
ID: 323081734453 · Resurrection of Christ - Guarantee of Eternal Life