Christ's Invitations - 5Invitation to victoryRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMMatthew 14:29 · Sun Mar 21, 2010
Invitations of Christ, 5. The Invitation to Victory. "And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus," Matt 14:29. The disciples, in obedience to Christ, set out across the Sea of Galilee but are caught in a sudden storm. In the midst of that storm, Christ comes walking toward them. His words calm their fears which had arisen because of this strange and wonderful sight and encourage Peter to make his request that he might come to Christ on the water. Our text is Christ's response - "Come" In this passage, there is a great contrast between Christ triumphantly walking on the water and the disciples toiling to stay afloat. Christ's invitation was one in which Peter is encouraged to come and share in the Saviour's victory over the waves. Finally, we will note that Peter gained and maintained this position of triumph by faith.
ID: 32210517418 · Christ's Invitations - 5