Christ's Invitations - 4Invitation to a rich man · part 2 of 2Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMLuke 18:22 · Sun Mar 14, 2010
Invitations of Christ, 4. The rich, eager young man. "Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me," Luke 18:22. The story of the rich young man, who showed so much promise in his coming unto Christ with the question, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?", is recorded in three gospels. That surely indicated the importance of the matters dealt with by the Lord in His conversation with the man. The exchange centres upon the most common hindrance that stops sinners coming to Christ: that of a love for this world riches. But there also takes place an exposure of the darkness of man's heart regarding the nature of sin and true holiness. This young man believed that he had kept the law of God from his youth! What folly! However, the request Christ made of him soon tested his obedience of God and His law. His rejection of the Saviour's invitation, " . . . come, follow me", soon uncovered the true state of his heart.
ID: 31410183090 · Christ's Invitations - 4