Principles of Christian Charity, Pt 1Studies in Second Corinthians · part 52 of 68Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun Dec 28, 19972 Corinthians 8:1-15 · Sunday - AM

Money matters within the house of God require a special delicacy and wisdom. Paul’s method of handling the subject provides lessons for every believer — members, office bearers and minister.

There can no doubt about the obligation laid upon everyone of us to support the work of God. The obligations laid upon Israel in the Old Testament remain in force in principle today. 1 Cor 9:7-11, 1 Tim 5:18. (Reward=wages, hire, John 4:36, James 5:4).

Paul chooses not to command, 8:8, but rather seeks to set before them the example of the Macedonians, 8:1.

The collection he is referring to is that mentioned in 1 Cor 16:1, (Romans 15:26).

Let us learn from Paul’s words on this important subject.


What the Macedonians did resulted from the workings of God’s grace within their hearts, 8:1.

By nature the human is selfish. A child does not need to be taught to be selfish.

1. We are incomplete as Christians if we do not have a generous spirit. Many believers who excel in other matters are very deficient in this grace.

2. This grace may be exercised in the most difficult of circumstances. You do not need to be rich to be generous. Here is a people who were in a great trial of affliction and in deep poverty, 8:2. They gave beyond their strength and ability and that most earnestly, 8:3-4. Often times those with the least to give are the most generous. Affliction tends to open the heart while prosperity tends to close it.

3. The Macedonians considered it a duty to share in the wants of others. They wished to be part of this “fellowship”, 8:4. It was the same spirit as was seen in Acts 2:44-47. 

ID: 31131341555 · Principles of Christian Charity, Pt 1