Talks on the Apocalypse - 2Greetings of the apostleRev. Ivan Foster · Bible StudyRevelation 1:4-8 · Thu Feb 4, 2010
Talks on the Apocalypse Part 2 - Chapter 1:4-8. "The greetings of the apostle" These greetings remind us that we are looking at an epistle sent, first and foremost, to the seven churches in Asia. Being an epistle, it opens with the commonly used apostolic greeting. Please compare the wording to Romans 1:7, 1 Cor 1:2 and other epistles. Being an epistle, we are reminded that it was to be studied by the people of God. It was intended for their edification and enlightenment. How this differs with the very foolish views advocated by some that it is a book to be avoided lest it engender foolish notions! To think such is to charge Christ with placing in the hands of His people that which would endanger their souls! Such a thought is repugnant to the genuine believer.
ID: 2410425490 · Talks on the Apocalypse - 2