Attack on Bible Christianity 2Attack on Bible Christianity · part 2 of 5Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMPsalm 19:7-12 · Sun Jan 7, 1990

The Attack upon Bible Christianity by members of the Kilmore Synod of the Church of Ireland (Anglican). Second message.

Can Christ's requirement for entrance to heaven endanger our mental health? Psalm 19:7-11.

(Preached in Kilskeery FPC on 7th January 1990 by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster)

Last month, I preached a message on an attack upon the gospel within a meeting of Kilmore Synod of the Church of Ireland.

Following that message an exchange of letters took place in the "Impartial Reporter" between Dr Wilson and Rev Foster. Out of that exchange came this message and the three others which followed.

This is a response to the Bishop's statement that the teaching the gospel of Christ to children can damage their mental health!

ID: 2311178294 · Attack on Bible Christianity 2