Ecumenical unity at Lough DergUnion with Rome progressesRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PM2 Peter 2:1-2 · Sun Feb 25, 2007
Once more the issue of the ongoing process of union with Rome has surfaced. A report emerged in the press regarding the latest plan for re-union. Each time this issue comes up it can be seen that the matter has advanced a little since the last public discussion. This is a secretive and underhand work! The issue has once more been given the "pooh, pooh" treatment by a Roman Catholic Bishop, Anthony Farquar. He seeks to quieten any anxious souls disturbed by this latest announcement. That unity is afoot is clear from * The 1948 WCC announcement. * Innumerable visits to the Pope by Anglican primates. * The recent visit to Lough Derg shrine by Bishop Jackson. His speech at the shrine had no reference to Scripture or 39 Articles. Little wonder since Lough Derg is about something that is utterly repugnant to the Bible. Its official werbsite shows this to be so. The stations of the cross and the idolatrous prayers offered to Mary feature large at Lough Derg. All this is condemned by the Word of God.
ID: 22507171519 · Ecumenical unity at Lough Derg