Studies in Jonah, No. 7The Reluctant Prophet · part 7 of 29Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMJonah 1:3 · Sun Feb 18, 2007
"But the LORD sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, so that the ship was like to be broken," Jonah 1:4. Just as the phrase, "But Jonah" in verse 3, introduces the plans of Jonah which were contrary to the plan of the Lord, so the phrase "But the Lord" in verse 4 introduces the action taken by the Lord to counteract Jonah's planned escape from God's will. I am sure that Jonah entertained the notion that he had succeeded in escaping from the Lord when once the ship had sailed. It was not so. Jonah had encountered no opposition from the Lord as he hurried to Joppa, found a ship with room for him and purchased his passage, got on board and watched the shoreline disappear as the ship set sail for Tarshish. All was going well for Jonah, or so it appeared.
ID: 21807173141 · Studies in Jonah, No. 7