The same message 40 years on - why?40th anniversary messageRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJeremiah 2:13 · Sun Feb 11, 2007
On this date, 40 years ago, I first opened my mouth to preach God's Word in my native county. The meeting was an inaugural conference held in a little hall which had been up until a few weeks before, a shop and store. The conference consisting of an afternoon meeting at which Dr. Paisley and Rev John Wylie spoke and an evening meeting at which Rev William Beattie and myself spoke. While I cannot recall my text, I do know that the doctrines I sought to set forth would have formed a defence of the of the separated stand of the FPC and its call to Christians throughout the area to withdraw from ecumenical churches with their plans for the promotion of reunion with Roman Catholicism, and to stand outside the camp in a church unsullied with such compromise and disobedience. That message I still believe and still preach for the need for such is as great, if not greater, today. Tonight, I wish to turn to a book that I most likely would have turned to that evening 40 years ago, the book of Jeremiah.
ID: 21107183338 · The same message 40 years on - why?