The Return of Christ, Pt 41KICS School Assembly Talks · part 41 of 72Rev. Ivan FosterTue Feb 10, 2015 · Children
The Gentile world as well will be wonderfully affected by the Saviour's return. Zech 14:3-9. Note the events that take place AFTER the return of the Saviour and the defeat and destruction of A/C's armies! Time has not ended but there are events still to take place upon the earth. Rev 10:6 - "And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer." This is not an announcement of the end of time but it means that there will be no further delay of God's judgment but the end of the age is about to take place. The next verse shows that time has not ended. What is said in Zech 14:9 agrees completely with : Psalm 2:6-8 "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." We will look at further texts which show what will happen amongst the nations of the earth in our next study.
ID: 210151219564 · The Return of Christ, Pt 41