Rebellion against Christ, Pt 7Studies in Psalm 2 · part 7 of 12Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMPsalm 2:7-9 · Sun Jan 30, 2005


From the clamour of the heathen masses we turned to the derision of the Almighty at such a vain challenge to His throne. We have now the Lord Jesus Christ speaking in this portion we shall study today.

Verse 7-9 records the words of Christ as He declares the basis of His sovereignty. It is clearly seen that the objective of rebellious man is in direct opposition to the eternal purpose of God. We shall take the three verse and look at each one separately.


1. It is based upon the eternal degree of God. I will declare the decree. In Gen 47:26 the word means law or statute. It was an undertaking given to Christ by His Father. All power is God's. God is a covenant forming and keeping God. It is on that basis He deals with His Son and with us. His word to us is one great promise, II Peter 1:4.

2. It is based upon the eternal Sonship of Christ. This is the Father conferring the kingdom upon His well-beloved Son. This was one of the most hated titles the Saviour used. Indeed it was used as the excuse to crucify Him, Matt 26:63-67.

3. It is based upon the eternal inauguration of Christ as King. Here is the eternal declaration of Christ as King. This inauguration has been demonstrated on a number of occasions.

A. Angels at Saviour's birth -- Hebs 1:6.

B. His resurrection -- Rom 1:4.

C. His ascension to Glory -- Hebs 1:13.

D. His receiving the kingdom -- Dan 7:13.

ID: 13005162827 · Rebellion against Christ, Pt 7