Rebellion against Christ, Pt 2Studies in Psalm 2 · part 2 of 12Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMPsalm 2:1-3 · Sun Dec 26, 2004

The rebellion is "Against the LORD, and against his anointed." 1. How ignorant is man of God to think such a thing. Man thinks he can rid himself of God. 2. How ignorant is man of his own weakness to attempt such a thing. The wise advice given by the Saviour in Luke 14:31-32, should be contemplated by all those who seek to fight God. 3. How ignorant of the consequences of such rebellion are all those who engage in such utter folly. How it will end is clearly outlined in God's Word. Luke 19:27. The purpose of the rebllion. "Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." 1. Unregenerate man hates the yoke of Christ. How differently Christ describes it, Matthew 11:29-30. How the yoke of Christ feels to you tells the story of your heart. 2. They wish to be out from under God's rule. Man hates God's law and the restrictions it imposes upon his sinful nature. 3. They wish to be gods. This is the ancient desire that arose in the heart of Eve and to which she succumbed. "Ye shall be as gods," Gen 3:5. This will be embodied in the decree of antichrist, II Thess 2:4, Rev 13:8.

ID: 122604203444 · Rebellion against Christ, Pt 2