This age as pictured in the Psalms, Pt 1KICS Studies - Some of my Favorite Psalms · part 43 of 69Rev. Ivan Foster · YouthPsalm 110:1 · Mon Sep 5, 2022

“The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool,” Psalm 110:1.

From looking at various truths set forth in the Psalms we turn to one particular and fascinating topic — PROPHECY!

The believing people of Israel were long acquainted with elements of the truth of Christ’s second coming, the glory that would be His afterwards and the elevation above the nations they would enjoy. The Psalms are filled with references to those times.

But we start with ONE UNIQUE PROPHECY. It concerns THIS AGE. It may surprise you to learn that our text is the one most quoted by the Lord and His apostles in the New Testament writings. Here are the places in the New Testament where this verse or parts of it are referred to. Matt 22:44; Mark 12:36; Acts 2:34; Ephesians 1:20; 1 Corinthians 15:25; Hebrews 1:3, 1:13, 10:12-13.

The Lord has kept His people informed about His Person and Purpose.

  1. From the earliest days of the Bible’s record we have wonderfully visible displays of God’s power in the advancing of His purpose on behalf of His people.
  2. We have the Creation, the great flood in Noah’s day, the merciful calling and preserving of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We have the wonderful displays of God’s power in the run up to the Exodus and during His provision for His people during the wilderness wanderings.
  3. We have so many records of God interventions in the life of His chosen people from David through the days of the prophets.
  4. Then we come to the wonderful days of the Saviour’s ministry and the miracles too numerous to count that He performed to the blessing and changing for the good the lives of thousands. That glorious time of miracles continued into the early days of the apostles. All this is to keep us informed
  5. BUT after the apostles. things went comparatively quiet. The age of miracles seen in former times seemed to be over. Yes, there were MIRACLES OF MERCY AND LOVE shown to myriads of sinners but not the miracles like those of former ages.

That is because we are in a time of waiting. “The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.”

Miracles like those of old will be seen again just prior to the Saviour’s return!

ID: 12141416575380 · This age as pictured in the Psalms, Pt 1