Shoes That Never Wear OutFootwear For PilgrimsRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMDeuteronomy 29:5 · Sun Jan 20, 2008
The provision God makes for His elect as they journey from the city of destruction to their heavenly home is uniquely complete and entire. The arrangements made by man, be he ever so diligent, is always flawed. The arrangements stall at some point as a result of something overlooked. A famous example of this is the tiny mistake in calculations that rendered the Hubble space telescope virtually useless in the 1990s because of an inability to rightly focus the instrument. ?Millions were spent designing, assembling and conveying the telescope into space only to discover the flaw which rendered its images out of focus. Man's history is littered with such errors. Some of them had catastrophic consequences. Machines have failed and structures have collapsed resulting in the loss of millions of lives throughout time. God's plans are not so flawed and this verse highlights that fact. What a recommendation for the Christ's redemption is here. The shoes that the people of Israel were wearing when the left Egypt were the same shoes they wore as they entered Canaan some 40 years later. This was but one of the miraculous provisions made by God and they illustrate the completeness of the provisions found in Christ for our soul.
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