Man's estimate of ChristThe despised JesusRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMIsaiah 53:3 · Sun Jan 17, 2010
Man's Estimate of Christ -- Isaiah 53/3. (Preached in Tavistock FPC) It is generally believed among men today that they hold an acceptable view of Christ. It is true that there are occasions when many act in a religious fashion. Weddings, baptisms, funerals, Christmas, Easter etc. On such occasions many engage in religious activities, singing, praying and repeating vows and promises to God. In the precincts of cathedrals men will speak in hushed voices. They will honour the persons of ecclesiastical dignitaries. They will give much to charity. Thus it is deemed that they are truly religious. However, the measure of whether or not we are truly religious is not seen in such activities and attitudes. The measure is found in our response to the question posed by Christ many centuries ago. "What think ye of Christ?" Matt 22/42. History tells us that were times when nations bowed in lowly reverence before religious authority. The words of Bishops and Cardinals were law. Lavish buildings were erected out of regard for the activities that went on in them. Multitudes flocked to honour the holy days of the church. Kings and paupers alike gave their allegiance to the church of the day. Yet were these signs that the people held high views of Christ? In the days to which we have just referred the Bible was banned and the preachers of it burned. The true estimate of Christ by sinful man is given in our text. Christ is held in low esteem or little thought of by mankind.
ID: 11710948577 · Man's estimate of Christ