Compassion for the contrite Pt 1Studies in Second Corinthians · part 8 of 68Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun Nov 24, 19962 Corinthians 2:5-11 · Sunday - AM

Paul continues in a conciliatory tone when he comes to deal with the man whose sin had scandalised even the heathen in Corinth. The incident was referred to in 1 Cor 5:1-2.

Notice that Paul does not name the man’s sin except in rather an oblique fashion nor does he identify the man.

There is a lesson here in discretion and compassion for us all including church courts.


1. It is God’s instrument in promoting repentance. It is the sword that wounds; the hammer that breaks when it is applied effectually to the heart by the Holy Spirit.

2. There was repentance amongst the congregation generally. The attitude to the sin had altered. They had not mourned over the sin at the first, 1 Cor 5:2. Now they were grieved, verse 5. They had acted against the offence and the offender, verse 6.

3. Discipline will only be effective when all the church acts in unity. The case of Achan is a clear example of the attitude that must be adopted toward sin by all of God’s people if it is to be dealt with to the pleasing of God, Joshua 7:13, 24-26.

There is a lesson here also for parents. Unity is essential in disciplining children.

4. The guilty man repented. He sorrowed, verse 7. He was in pain of heart, in mourning.

ID: 1141250481 · Compassion for the contrite Pt 1