Bible pictures of Christ Pt 11Bible pictures of Christ · part 11 of 126Rev. Ivan Foster · ChildrenGenesis 4:3-4 · Tue Nov 3, 2015

As a new school year has begun, Rev Foster has been asked to speak at two morning assembly meetings. His theme for 2015-16 is DV, "Pictures of Christ in the Bible." The Third Picture of Christ - Abel's Lamb Today, we hope to conclude our study of Abel's lamb. "And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell," v 5 Doubtless, he too saw the fire fall on Abel's sacrifice, signifying Abel's acceptance with God. This anger and what it resulted in shows that Cain belonged to one spiritual group and Abel to another. Here was the hatred of the devil and the unsaved who heed the devil, against the people of Christ showing itself. Likely, Cain killed Abel for witnessing to him, Genesis 4:8. Those who are of the spirit of Cain still hate to hear the message of the gospel and were it possible, they would silence the voice of the gospel witness! This is the first religious quarrel and we see that it was caused by man's hatred of God's truth. It is till the same today. It is not the gospel that causes trouble but man's rebellion against God and His Truth! Please notice what is said about the lamb Abel offered. It was 'the firstlings of his flock', Genesis 4:4. 1. The first-born belongs to God, Exodus 13:2. 2. The first-born was the best of the flock, Numbers 18:12. These words "firstlings of his flock" are most important for they reminds us of the fact that the Lord Jesus was the perfect Lamb, the spotless Lamb of God. Please remember these verses. 2 Corinthians 5:21. Hebrews 7:26. 1 Peter 2:22. 1 Peter 3:18. 1 John 3:5. Ever "Stand up, Stand Up" for Jesus the Spotless Lamb of God.

ID: 11315616595 · Bible pictures of Christ Pt 11