More excellent way, Pt 4Studies in First Corinthians · part 34 of 51Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun Mar 3, 19961 Corinthians 13:1-13 · Sunday - AM


Charity never faileth, verse 8. The word faileth means to fall or fade. Love is not just for one season or for time itself but is eternal. The stars, one of the apparently more permanent features of the universe, will fall, Mark 3:25.

1. Much that we experience now will cease one day. The gifts of the Spirit are not permanent. They shall cease. Prophecy, languages, knowledge as we now possess it, — all shall cease one day.

2. It is the ceasing of the inferior for the introduction of the perfect. The speaking, understanding, thinking of the child are replaced by those of the mature  man, verse 11. Our present perception of things divine and eternal is as a poor reflection in a mirror. Corinth was famous for its polished metal mirrors which at best still gave a less than perfect reflection. (I Pet 1:10-11, Num 12:6-8). 

3. Of that which shall permanently remain, love is the greatest.  Faith and hope will not cease but change into sight, Romans 8:24, II Cor 5:7. Love, will be subject to the least alteration. It will but deepen and grow. When we cultivate love we cultivate the divine.

ID: 1121113463310 · More excellent way, Pt 4