Drawing near to hearPublicans & Sinners welcomeRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMLuke 15:1 · Sun Nov 15, 2009
DRAWING NEAR TO HEAR Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him, Luke 15:1. (Preached in Tavistock FPC) I have often drawn your attention to the fact that chapter divisions may sometimes distract us from observing the context in which a verse is set. It is the case with this verse. There are important things to be noted in the previous chapter that bear upon our text. There is a verse in chapter 14 that is very similar to our text. It is verse 25. "And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them." To these multitudes Christ spoke a word of warning, 26-27. Our text stands in contrast to this incident. The publicans and sinners are welcomed and that because they should signs of an genuine interest in the Saviour.
ID: 111509928591 · Drawing near to hear