Disorderly Women Pt 1Studies in First Corinthians · part 38 of 51Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun Mar 31, 19961 Corinthians 14:26-40 · Sunday - AM


For a right understanding of this restriction of the women speaking in the church, we must consider the command in the context of the disorders affecting them and of other scriptures. 

1. The Holy Spirit was to be poured upon women at Pentecost.

Acts 2:17-18. Here is Peter's explanation of that which was taking place. Note the double reference to woman experiencing the power of the Holy Ghost. The last days, refers to the whole period between the two advents of Christ, Hebs 1:2, I John 2:18, women may expect the grace of the Holy Spirit to be poured upon them.

2. As a result of the Spirit's outpouring, women would prophesy. 

The word prophesy is explained in verse 3. To me, it is clear that woman are permitted to engage in this ministry though generally speaking it is a man fills this role. Further evidence of this is seen in Acts 21:9. There is no obvious reason for this item of information about the daughters of Philip. It appears to me that the Lord would endorse the fact that pious woman did quite legitimately exhort edifyingly in the will and power of the Spirit.

ID: 111411933570 · Disorderly Women Pt 1