New political arrangements which will be acceptedThe Kingdom of JesusRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMRevelation 11:15 · Sun Nov 12, 2006
In recent days there have been very distressing differences of opinion voiced by those long used to sharing a united opinion regarding the needs and wellbeing of our land. The government's political initiative called the St Andrews Agreement with its central role for the murderous Sinn Fein/IRA party, has caused a measure of vexation amongst believers as the prospect of such a deal being accepted by unionist leaders for a time seem very likely. However, it would appear that the voices raised in opposition have had an impact and the likelihood of the deal being ratified has decreased greatly. For that we give thanks to God. Tonight, I wish to look at a future political initiative with which all believers will be entirely happy. Indeed, they long for that day. I feel that we would long for it more and be less inclined to consider as beneficial man's notions and schemes if we were more familiar with that initiative of which our text speaks.
ID: 111206165616 · New political arrangements which will be accepted