Unchanging man's unchanging needNeeds of C16th & C21st - sameRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMGenesis 6:5 · Sun Oct 29, 2006
This verse contains one of the oldest definitions of fallen man's character. It was given in the dawn of history. Man in his nature has not changed. Socially and environmentally all has changed around him. But the human being who dwelt, in those far-off times, in an earth largely unsullied by man's sin is in his essential spiritual and moral being, identical to depraved and rebellious man of today. It is for this reason that I believe that the peoples of Europe, sunk down in the darkness of the middle ages, were likewise the same as the world's population today, irrespective of the scientific and social differences that may exist between that time and now. That being so, man is in need of the same message of deliverance that was delivered at the hand of the Protestant Reformers to the nations of Europe and which transformed those nations within a generation. The curative and miraculous message of deliverance was nothing less that God's scheme of salvation, long lost to those nations beneath the dust and rubbish of Rome's religious inventions and superstitious traditions. This the message that is needed today. It can still work its gracious and wonderful deliverance amongst depraved mankind.
ID: 102906164919 · Unchanging man's unchanging need