Parting word/faithful friendsA minister's farewellRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMActs 20:29 · Sun Oct 26, 2008
Farewells and partings are the very essence of this earthly pilgrimage. The "joy that a man is born into the world" is soon replaced by the slow tread of the mourners going about the streets because man goeth to his long home. For the Ephesians, their meeting with Paul was followed in a very short time, three years, with a final farewell, verse 31, 38. For us here, parting comes after a much longer time of fellowship together and for that I praise the Lord. I have seen two generations grow up before me. I have seen some of those who first attended my meetings in Lisbellaw as infants grow up and have families, the oldest of which are now reaching maturity. I can say with David "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage," Psalm 16:6. God has been most merciful to me in placing me here in this part of our province and allowing me to stay here for so long. Though I lay down the reins of the responsibility of the pastorate of this congregation, it is a great joy for my wife, Ann, and me that we will continue to live in this area. This is my native area. I have roots that go back generations in Kilskeery and over by Lisbellaw, Maguirebridge and Lisnaskea. My paternal great, great grandmother came from Kilskeery. Maybe retirement will give me an opportunity to research my roots even further back. Paul's words to the elders of Ephesus in verse 29 form our text for today.
ID: 1026081758387 · Parting word/faithful friends